Photo duplicate cleaner
Photo duplicate cleaner

photo duplicate cleaner

In the standard scan, the duplicates could be in either or both folders. I left the similarity threshold for this scan at 75% (more about that later).

photo duplicate cleaner

When you click on one of the files, the photos DPC thinks are duplicates appear in the Preview windows, information about the two images appears below them, and the percentage of similarity is displayed in the right information column and at the bottom left of the screen. A similarity of 100% means the photos are exact duplicates. So you can easily delete the duplicate image. If you want, you can select a group of photos based on the criteria in the Select drop-down menu (size, time, resolution, etc.). Since I had my threshold set at 75%, not all of the “duplicates” are exact matches, so I’m not going to use one of these batch Select options. #PHOTOS DUPLICATE CLEANER PROFESSIONAL#.

Photo duplicate cleaner